Thursday, June 25, 2009

6/22 - 6/25

Picking up with this past monday - rather than blog a whole week's worth.
6/22 - steady state in morning, lift in afternoon:
flat db press: 42.5/8 42.5/8 508 55/8 60/7
slight incline db press: 40/10 45/10 50/10 55/6
incline fly: 30/12 32.5/12 35/10 35/10
hammer curl: 27.5/6 30/6 35/6 37.5/6 40/5
close curl: 47/10 52/10 57/10 62/8

6/23 - bodystep class in am (intervals)
pm lift:
pull ups: 6-5-5-4
bent row: 95/8 105/8 115/8 125/8 145/7
rope pull down: (*started doing these differently - was doing them seated on the reg. lat pull down cable - but my grip was bothering me. now I'm doing them in a squat position on one of the smaller cable stacks - allows me to feel it more in my back - just lifting less weight)
60/12 65/12 70/12 72.5/12
stiff leg bar (*hamstrings have been REALLY tight since sprints 4 days prior - dropped the wt. on these and focused on full ROM and a long, slow negative) 95/8 105/8 115/8 125/8 135/8
db leg curl: 27.5/12 30/12 30/12 40/6 *needed a 35 - but the boys were hogging them!

6/24 - steady state in am, afternoon lift:
db press: 30/8 32.5/8 35/8 40/8 45/8 45/6
upright row: (cable) 25/10 35/10 42.5/10 50/10 57.5/7
rear delt (machine): 55/12 60/12 65/12 70/12
bar ext. 47/10 47/10 52/10 52/10 57/6
db kickbacks: 15/12 17.5/12 20/12 22.5/10

6/25 - today should have been spinning in the morning (intervals) and step in the evening (not counting) - but it ended up only being step class because I was home with a sick kid. Plan is to do sprints in the morning to make up for the lost intervals.

feeling o.k. aside from the peanut butter withdrawal!

Monday, June 8, 2009


6/4 - 10 am spinning and 6:30 pm step, followed by lift:
slight incline db press: 40/8 45/8 50/8 55/8 55/8 60/5
incline db press: 40/10 45/10 50/8 50/9
flat fly: 30/12 35/12 37.5/12 40/10
incline db curl: 25/6 27.5/6 30/6 35/4 35/4
cable curl: 32.5/10 37.5/10 42.5/9 47.5/8

6/5 - intervals and abs only

6/6 - 20 minutes intervals in am
afternoon lift: lat under: 85/8 95/8 100/8 110/8 120/8
t-bar: 90/8 90/8 100/7 110/5 110/4
db deads: 70/10 75/10 80/10 85/8
close row: 110/12 120/12 130/9
glute ham: 10-8-7-7

6/7 - intervals in afternoon,
morning lift: side lateral: 15/8 17.5/8 20/8 27.5/8 25/6
bar shrugs: 135/10 155/10 185/10 205/10 225/8
3-hole press: 35/10 40/10 45/10 50/8
dips: 25/16 25/13 25/13 25/14
rope press: 35/12 *completely ran out of steam 35/9 35/12 40/7

weight at the end of the day yesterday was 174

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


6/1 - steady state on treadmill (ss#1)
lift: side lateral: 15/8 17.5/8 20/8 22.5/8 25/8
bar shrugs: 135/10 155/10 185/10 205/8 215/6
3-hole press: 37.5/10 40/10 45/10 50/7
dips: (w/25 pound plate) 19-12-11-13
rope press: 40/12 40/12 42.5/7 35/8

6/2 - bodystep class (intervals #1)

6/3 - steady state in morning, evening lift:
hack squats: 90/8 140/8 160/8 180/8 200/8 220/6
squats: 185/10 205/10 225/10 245/8
sissy: 25/20 35/20 35/20 35/20
bar lunge: 95/12 120/12 140/12
calf db weighted: 45/18 45/18 45/17 45/18 45/18

have slept all day the last 2 days (As much as the kids would let me anyway). Can muster energy for the lifts - but feel like I'm taking slightly longer breaks between sets. cardio is actually when I feel the best all day - go figure!


Monday, June 1, 2009


o.k. so on vacation I ended up getting all my lifts in, 1 interval workout and 1 steady state workout - but walking around the parks every day with a kid on my shoulders had to count for something right? will have a weight later today, but measurements are still neck - 13, waist - 29, hips - 39. aside from not really being able to increase weight during lifts from week to week, I actually feel pretty good.

5/28 lift:
narrow stance leg press (no hack squat available): 180/8 270/8 360/8 450/8 540/8 630/8
squat: 185/10 205/10 225/10 245/10
sissy: 25/20 35/20 x3
bar lunge: 95/12 115/12 135/12
seated calf (no good platform for db weighted): 45/20 90/16 90/15 90/17 90/17

5/29 lift:
slight incline db press: 40/8 45/8 50/8 55/8 55/8
incline db press: 40/10 40/10 45/10 50/7
flat fly: 30/12 35/12 40/12 40/10
incline db curl: 25/6 30/6 35/5 35/3
cable curl: 32.5/10 37.5/10 42.5/10 47.5/10

5/31 lift:
lat under: 80/8 90/8 100/8 110/8 120/8
t-bar: 70/8 90/8 100/8 110/6 110/6
db deads: 70/10 75/8 75/8 80/8
close row: 100/12 110/12 120/12
glute ham: 11-12-9-8

I sent in my registration for the 13th - no turning back now!

I am back home and will be back on normal workout schedule as of today - steady state cardio and delt lift on the plan for today.