Saturday, July 25, 2009


7/20 - steady state cardio plus bodypump class

7/21 - taught bodystep class (intervals) twice today - once in morning and once at night

7/22 - morning lift (not my favorite time of day to lift), followed by steady state
leg extension: 130/10 145/10 160/10
front squat: 95/8 115/8 145/8 145/8 155/6
sumo squat: 165/10 185/10 205/10 225/10
split squat: 125/12 135/12 145/10
iso calves - standing: 45/16 45/15 45/16 45/15

7/23 - 10 am spin, 6:30 pm step class. started lift at 6, got up to tri press, taught step class, then finished lift - still struggling with schedule - can't wait till bill is back!!!
incline db press: 40/8 45/8 50/8 55/8 60/6
flat bar: 95/10 115/10 125/6
chest dips: 9-8-9
rack push ups: 8-7 (YUCK!!!! did them super slow though!)
tri press: 45/10 50/10 55/10 60/10
db ext. 17.5/12 20/12 22.5/7
1-arm db underhand 10/12 15/9

7/24 steady state only

7/25 - 8:30am lift - HATE lifting this early - felt very weak from the start. low back and knees bothering me - could be sleep related - haven't slept well in days!
wide lat pull 90/8 100/8 120/8 130/8 140/6
deads: 155/8 175/8 195/8 225/8
bench row: 47.5/10 50/10 55/8
seated row: 110/12 120/12 130/12
lying leg curl: 85/10 95/10 105/8 105/5
single leg curl: 22.5/12 27.5/12 32.5/12

have not gotten pictures to you - Bill has laptop - and I haven't been able to figure out the new computer and how to work the camera software on it. he comes home today - so can get pics to you tonight or tomorrow. just feeling kind of BLAH!!

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